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  • Thank you for the detailed feedback and your solution. The underlying issue is a difference in signature on the client side and the celery task, which should of course be avoided. Tracking it here https://github.com/omegaml/omegaml/issues/174
  • Thanks for reporting this. To reproduce the problem, could you list which versions of the following are you using, respectively? Python omegaml celery Thank you.
  • Error: local variable 'omega' referenced before assignment This should not happen. We are tracking this in https://github.com/omegaml/omegaml/issues/168 The root cause of the error however is likely with your omega-ml configuration. The error condi…
  • The list of events to filter on can be specified as a tuple: CeleryEventSource(om.runtime.celeryapp, events=tuple('task-succeeded',)) The default events are listed in CeleryEventSource.default_events : [] from minibatch.contrib.celery import CeleryE…
  • How can I provide configs to Omega(), like OMEGA_MONGO_URL, Most settings can be updated using the corresponding environment variable as per the documentation. A as of yet undocumented feature is to use the config.yml file, where you can override a…
  • But, after a while when I come back all the datasets show PENDING. Despite that I already have the model fitted, and synthetic dataset generated. omegaml tasks are submitted to Celery with a result expiration of 1 hour (3600 seconds). After this tim…
  • we want to run some methods asynchronously also using Celery. Are there any possibilities to connect to the OmegaML Celery app and create new tasks  It is of course possible to write your own celery tasks and run them inside a separate celery worker…
  • we are trying to connect to MongoDB connected to OmegaML The omegaml worker and the client both need to specify the same OMEGA_MONGO_URL and the same OMEGA_BROKER in order to connect. the authentication mechanism is performed on the OmegaML side, na…
  • track the result of the task - by get callbacks from Celery task_success signal This is best done using Celery events, not signals: Signals are an in-process callback feature and are really meant to be used by the worker itself. In omega|ml there is…
  • The error indicates that the plugin has not been installed. Please install it as per the plugin's documentation: !pip install -q getgist !rm -f *omx_chained.py && getgist -y omegaml omx_chained.py import omx_chained PS: The next release (pla…
  • Are there any options to make fit and generate asynchronously? All omega|ml tasks submitted via the runtime are asynchronous. For example om.runtime.model('mymodel').fit('sample[x]', 'sample[y]') => <AsyncResult: b552e887-9ced-4e87-a203-0a4183…
  • I can save it after the model was fitted, by adding it to the already created metadata (by om.models.put() ) Yes, the Metadata exists as long as the model was not dropped. You can update the Metadata as follows: meta = om.models.metadata(modelname) …
  • But how is initial models metadata created? The metadata is created on storing the model (so before fit is called via the runtime): om.models.put(mdl, 'mymodel') => Metadata(....) We can also directly add custom attributes when storing the model,…
  • the ephemeral Jupyter server The Jupyter servers as such are ephemeral as they do not store any local data. However notebooks, models and datasets are stored in mongodb, and accessible via om.jobs , om.models , andom.datasets respectively. This is…
  • Thank you. Updated the original answer.
  • Can I store the status data inside the created metadata before generating? Storing the task id in the metadata of an *existing* dataset or model, is possible like so: task = om.runtime.model('mymodel').predict() meta = om.models.metadata('mymodel') …
  • I am getting error 503 from the app In general a 503 means the app did not start properly. Perhaps an exception is thrown right early in starting up the application. and logging does not show new entry. You can get log messages from the app by addi…
  • Glad you were able to fix it! It was related to the insufficient configs in the docker-compose file. I changed them, rebuild everything and it works. Could you share an example of the config here or perhaps file an issue at https://github.com/omegam…
  • I was waiting for more than an hour but it is still in process. Is it ok, that fitting takes so much time? omega|ml does not add substantial time to the fitting process of a model - essentially the fit process takes the same amount of time on the ru…
  • For clarity, let's separate omega|ml things from Python things: # omegaml # -- store data as local pickle as a file in omegaml om.datasets.put(file_out, 'myfile.pickle') # -- get the file back om.datasets.get('myfile.pickle') => returns a fil…
  • om.mondels.put(obj, 'name') works by calling each registered plugin's PluginClass.supports(obj, name) method. If the plugin returns True, the plugin's .put() method is called. The methods you mention are part of the omega|ml's built in scikit-le…
  • I was trying to fit and generate model. It was fitted successfully but was not generated after. if you fit your model from an omega|ml shell and then try to save it, what is the result? Likewise, what is the result of loading it back? e.g. $ om sh…
  • scikit-learn moved utils.testing to utils._testing starting with 0.23 as noted [here](https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/commit/b92455a6b25d5843c3ee9825fed5f268bf2f209f#diff-d9955a58037bdb79c8253b125ce9357499424186e9dbedacc14ce65359aeac1…
  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sklearn.utils._testing' is there a stacktrace?
  • Do you mean, that purpose of she shared python folder is to make sure, that omegaml and skykit version among all of the containers are identical? All omega|ml workers already use the same image by default and thus use the same scikit-learn, pandas e…
  • https://community.omegaml.io/forum/discussion/comment/7#Comment_7 Correct. The `pythonlib:/app/pylib`is part of the docker-compose.yml specs, i.e. this is not specific to omega|ml. It is just the way to specify a library to docker-compose. And we s…
  • It probably works technically, however it is not the intended way and can cause unintended side-effects (we do not consider this a supported use case). The better way to install packages is to use /app/pylib . This makes sure that the packages are c…